09月22日, 2014 2804次
免费SSL证书 – 申请Namecheap免费Comodo SSL证书
Namecheap商家申请Comodo SSL证书一年约需要60多元左右,但是现在可能不需要了,我们可以免费获得Comodo SSL证书1年使用期限。这次NAMECHEAP商家进行的活动是针对如果有使用Symantec, RapidSSL, Geotrust & Thawte SSL证书就可以申请到。
我们应该在很多IDC商家都有看到提供免费Symantec证书服务,但是这个证书在Chrome估计不好用了,已经开始陆续不支持Symantec SSL。所以,我们需要想办法替换掉。
如果我们需要免费Comodo SSL证书,可以将需要申请的域名先找一个免费Symantec证书申请搭建好,然后再去提交申请。
The free Comodo Certificate will cover the remaining original time of your current Symantec SSL and can be applied only to the domain associated with that SSL.
At the expiration date of your free replacement SSL certificate, Namecheap will contact you with instructions how to extend your new Comodo SSL.
Comodo certificates will be issued for the maximum validity term. EV SSLs will be issued as 24-month certificates and DV and OV SSLs as 36-month certificates.
After the free replacement period, a customer may choose to extend the current certificate by paying Namecheap for the remaining period on the certificate. If the customer chooses not extend after the free period, the certificate will be revoked.
Some orders may be flagged for an additional "Brand Validation" procedure by the Certificate Authority. This is a necessary security measure to verify your site. If the order is flagged for Brand Validation, SSL issuance will be delayed for a period of time deemed necessary by the Certificate Authority.
Our platform will match you automatically with a similar Comodo SSL based on the original Symantec SSL you have.
Valid for Symantec, GeoTrust, Thawte, RapidSSL single or multi domain SSLs.